Getting on the right track is a denticulated process but once in the track is sure to win races with a huge sum as a price. The Web and mobile apps development industry is a place where people win big when they implement the correct and appropriate practices. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are the major aspects of a website or an application or a product or anything. They support each other as the UI alone cannot win the race or the vice versa. UX is so important regarding both design and functionality i.e. the navigation and usage.

So, what exactly UX means?
User Experience (UX) is an important aspect of an application or a product as it depicts the overall functionality of the particular app or product. It merely gauges the reaction of the users or the customers to the design. In simple words, UX helps the user understand and reach the final goal of which the product owner intended to deliver. The important factors that influence user experiences are listed below.
- Previous experience and state of the user.
- System properties
- Attention to small details that might make a huge difference
Here are the most useful UX tips…
Some of the following tips might be so familiar (if not all) for many of you. But for some reason or the other, we often neglect to follow these. The tips listed below might come handy when designing a UX for a product or an app or a website or anything.
- Have users in mind while designing – They are more important:
You are different. I am different. They are different. Why your app the same for everyone? Learn your audience first before designing the UX for them. An app or a product creates a value only when the users find it easy to use and useful. A perfect UX combines primary functions like touch, sound, sight, actions, and more.
- The Internet is vast – Network awareness is essential:
The UX should consider the network state (like whether available on WiFi or mobile data or mobile data on roaming) to load the desired features. There are only a couple in hundreds of apps having the offline feature like the recently updated Google Maps. It is evidential that the loading time is inversely proportional to the user experience.
- Notification irritates – Design with care:
Users often get annoyed or irritated when their notification tray is loaded with a hell number of app notifications. Even your notification UX is like a pulpy watermelon in a desert, users get irritated to see the same notification on the different devices they own. Keep your notification dry and synced across your user’s devices.
- Have a search interface – you got a good principle design:
Content is king. You have poured an enormous number of content into your product. But, swiping through it without any natural navigation is like asking your user to find a droplet in the sea. A better UX has a search feature to find specific content inside the app or the product. Use filters, sort options, and many other options like this to make your app function like eating a piece of creamy cake.
So, now you know what to have. But, do you know what to avoid?
To err is human. But to repeat the same for N number of times is not good. A bad UX might spoil the spirits of good design. To help you confirm with the needs, we are listing a few that needs attention while designing a UX.
- Don’t design for yourself rather consider your audience.
- Don’t confuse with UI and UX. Clearly understand the difference between the two.
- Don’t knock at your users for more and more information.