What makes AMP pages so important for businesses?

Though it was early 2016 that Google officially integrated AMP listing over mobile search results. These pages took away the search results. Accelerated mobile pages is an accessible framework to create fast loading mobile web pages.

The ultimate motive of developing such pages is to improve page speed, without sacrificing ad revenue. Though there are developers who make it happen through intense optimization, there are still resource constraints. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) allows optimizations to happen without bothering the primary mobile web experience.

There are some future benefits on Google’s usage and other equivalent companies who wish to integrate it into their platforms. So let us see how AMP works.


How AMP works?

In order to create mobile web pages, AMP comprises of three major parts,

  • AMP JS
  • AMP Cache


AMP HTML is an HTML extended with custom AMP properties. A simple AMP HTML file looks just the way,

<!doctype html>
<html >
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <link rel="canonical" href="hello-world.html">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1">
   <style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:none;-moz-animation:none;-ms-animation:none;animation:none}</style></noscript>
   <script async src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js"></script>
 <body>Hello World!</body>

It might look like most tags on HTML page are similar, yet some are replaced with AMP-specific tags. These are so-called AMP HTML components which make patterns that are easy to implement in an impactful way.

Consider the following example:

The ‘amp-img’ provides the full ‘srcset’ which is supported even in browsers that so far haven’t. The AMP pages are identified by search engines and other platforms through HTML tag. You can choose to have either non-AMP version or the AMP version of your web page.


The AMP JS library confirms that the AMP page is rendered faster. The AMP JS library implements all of AMP’s best performance practices. The JS takes control over the loading and provides the custom tags mentioned. It is done in order to render fast loading pages.

In midst of the huge optimization processes it makes up with the external resources asynchronous. This avoids from affecting the rendering process. All other process techniques include the sandboxing of iframes, precalculation of layout of each element before the resources are loaded and even disable CSS selectors.

AMP cache:

The Google AMP cache is used to serve cached AMP HTML pages. It is a proxy-oriented content delivery system to deliver valid AMP documents. It fetches the AMP pages, caches them and increases page performances automatically. On Google Cache, All JS files and images load from the same origin which is the HTTP 2.0 for max.efficiency.

The cache is also available with the built-in validation system. This confirms the page is secured to work and do not require any external resources. A series of validator comes with the AMP pages. This variant can log approval blunders specifically to the program’s support when the page is rendered, enabling you to perceive how complex changes in your code may affect execution and client encounter.

There are a little more to know about:

  • On AMP you need to use a streamlined CSS
  • You can make use of Javascript that is provided by the AMP. In case if you are not in control you could experience lazy loading, which is considered the only drawback on AMP.
  • You need to validate properly in order to work on AMP sites.
  • There is no possibility of using forms on AMP plugin pages.
  • It is required to make use of custom fonts for better experiences.
  • In case if you wish to load videos make sure that you use AMP approved extensions.

Benefits of using Accelerated Mobile Pages:

The following are interrelated with other, it is site speed, page views, and mobile search rankings. The biggest advantage of using an AMP page is when a specific web page loads faster on mobile browsers and thus reduces the bounce rate of your site.

Though there are various benefits of using or optimizing an AMP plugin, Let me bring you the top 5 that helps you much better.

Wildly loading web pages:

Speed gives life to your webpage. It is obvious that good content is really important, but unless your page loads faster, your users can never take access to the content.

An analysis has found that even a fraction of delay in the page loading speed can lower the conversion rate. It also reduces pageview by 9.40% and increases bounce rate by 8.30%.

This is the reason that you should make your mobile browser page load faster. To your notice, these days people try to consume a lot of information and the rate of content generation have also increased.

If you fail to achieve speed on your website page then you are put to trouble. Remember page speed increases with AMP. Google is trying to constantly improve its aids. It was so far understood that mobile friendliness was the biggest update but the updation of AMP page has marked its way. So it is good to optimize your website pages to AMP.

Improved mobile visibility:

Google has now come up with a change. The search results are displaying AMP in organic listing. You could better find the results with the AMP symbol indicated in green.

These green symbols will help your audience to blindly click on your website. This obviously increases the click-through rate of your website. As these sites stand out from rest of the results. Mobile search clients will then start to search particularly for AMP module pages since these pages stack up speedier than the run of the mill versatile pages.

Improved search engine rankings (Mobile View):

You would be aware of the site speed and conversion rate. Both are correlated. If your users are happy with your fast loading sites then they would definitely subscribe to your service. AMP works closer to mobile pages.

As mobile-friendly sites rank higher in Google search results, pages that are developed on AMP performs much better than these sites. And this could help pages rank much better than non-AMP pages on mobile search results.

Receptive ad-support:

Most people have started with a website and blogging only with the motive of earning money. There are possibly various distractions found when compared to mobile and desktop version of the web page. These distractions include header image, navigation menu, sidebar, forms and much more.

AMP pages could get rid of such distractions. The reason behind such controversy is, not all HTML tags are executed. We make use of the streamlined version of CSS and Javascript is out of the thought which is 6x lighter in code.

On analyzing AMP version, the ads are loaded instantaneously even before you click through them. If you are displaying ads from the third party on your AMP pages, make sure that the ads load faster but do not fail to grab users attention either.

Some of the popular ad networks that currently uses AMP-ads functionality are as follows;

  • Amazon A9
  • AdReactor
  • Adform
  • Google Adsense
  • Plista
  • Smart AdServer

Tracking is now simple:

Adding traffic to your mobile alone doesn’t matter much. You should track your user and try to know that they have arrived at your site.

Tracking helps you to know where your audience comes from. Which page did they view and much more? Tracking users are really important and that becomes easier with AMP along with site performance. Because there are analytic tools that study your AMP pages in detail.

You could understand your users only when you track them. With AMP publishers you can make use of tag manager analytics to pick from two tags.

These tags help you automatically track essential data. They include clicks, conversions, video and link tracking, visitor counts, new and existing visitors and so on.

How to AMP your site?

Accelerated Mobile Pages are the new face of mobile web. That is why most companies are upgrading there websites to AMP. Shall we try to understand how to optimize our website pages to AMP pages? Let us learn it through an example.

For example, if you run a blog, and you want Google to detect your page as AMP version, you need to modify your blog. Your blog needs to include an essential canonical tag for AMP Pages,

<link rel=”amphtml” href=”http://www.example.com/blog-post/amp/”>

The AMP discovery page might require Schema.org metadata for some platforms that specify the content type of your page. Besides it shows up schema.org metadata which is a requirement to make your content visible in the demo of Google Search News. And if you are trying to make it up with AMP pages and obtain future benefits of Google then you need to get your schema placed right.


Being an upgrade to the mobile-friendly version of mobile pages, AMP is turning out to be more powerful these days. This obviously meets Google’s expectations and gets you optimize your site speed.

Hopefully, AMP pages would drastically influence social media interactions. As you focus on AMP pages, do not fail to use the marketing strategies that you are already into. You need to concentrate on both simultaneously. And that is how you could sustain and even generate mobile customers to your website.

Why do you wait anymore? Start right now and get your mobile pages optimized to the accelerated mobile page version.