Designing and developing a website in not an easy tasks as it involves lots of planning and technical knowledge to obtain a well created and qualified end product. Design tools and editors play a vital role in a website development process. Editors help designers and developers to hard code the website and they are mostly used by the front-end designers and developers. In recent times, Brackets is gathering the attention of many designers and developers as the tool is offering various possibilities.

What is Brackets?
In simple words, Brackets is a modern text editor with mind-blowing functionalities. Initially released a couple of years back by Adobe System and is a cross-platform application available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The latest of Brackets is 1.6.0 that is lightweight and powerful modern text editor with amazing options and features. Here are some of the most common and popular features:
- Easy and quick edit
- Hassle-free docs
- JSLint
- LESS support
- Live preview
- Extensible
Extension that makes life easy:
As said earlier, Brackets is an open-source text editor written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This modern editor is used by developers and front-end designers. Extensions can make Brackets experience even better and here are some of the most powerful Brackets extensions.
- HTML Skeleton – Extension that makes HTML coding easier:
HTML Skeleton is one of the most popularly used Brackets extension and is one the favorite of many designers and developers. It helps quickly setup HTML files by automatically adding basic and common HTML markups like <!DOCTYPE?, <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, and similar.
HTML Skeleton –
- Brackets Icons – Extension that allows easy identification:
Brackets Icons extension offers an easy way to identify the file that needs to be worked. This extension adds file icons to the sidebar of the Brackets interface. It makes identification easier for the designers and developers.
Brackets Icons –
- HTML Wrapper – Extensions that helps create lists in a click:
You don’t have to code every list item when you use this extension. HTML Wrapper extension allows rapidly markup text into a list just by selecting the text and clicking the HTML Wrapper in the right click menu. This extension creates list items <li>, table rows <li>, hyperlinks <a> and more.
HTML Wrapper –
- Autoprefixer – Extension that helps add prefixes to CSS:
There is no automatic, intelligent and better way than using Autoprefixer extension to add vendor prefixes to the CSS properties. This extension uses the browser support data to identify the need of the vendor prefix. It can also remove unnecessary vendor prefixes.
Autoprefixer –
- CSSLint – Extension that helps identify CSS errors:
CSSLint extension is a great extension used by a wide circle of developers and front-end designers. It allows the programmers quickly to identify the code-quality issues and CSS errors. These errors are identified based on the CSS Lint rules.
CSSLint –
- JS CSS Minifier – Extension that helps remove unnecessary characters:
Every programmer wants their codes to be neat and free from unwanted characters. JS CSS Minifier extension helps in the same by removing unnecessary characters from the CSS and JavaScript files. The process is called as minification as it helps in improving the website speed.
JS CSS Minifier –
- Lorem Ipsum Generator – Extension that helps in adding dummy text:
Every designers and developer will love this extension as it allows them to add dummy text in their design prototype. Lorem Ipsum Generator helps conveniently insert dummy text in the code where ever it is called.
Lorem Ipsum Generator –
- Emmet – Extension that has the collection of tools:
Emmet is an extension that every programmer’s dream of having it on board. This extension brings in the most important and widely tools and keyboard shortcut under a single tree.
Emmet –
- Beautify – Extension that helps your code look neat:
A code with proper format gains the advantage of many. Beautify extension helps keep the HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript codes formatted, neatly intended and readable. There are also many other alternatives like CSSComb, but Beautify extension is the best.
Beautify –
- CanIUse – Extension that helps to check web support level:
CanIUse extension helps the programmers identify the current level of browser support. It sources its data from Can I Use.
CanIUse –