It is amazing to know how even in the last few years, the WordPress economy has grown tremendously and what inventive, new, enterprises it is composed of.
According to the latest survey, more than 20,000 people in this world make their lives as WordPress developers, designers and consultants. This massive community generally hosts blogs, develops websites and provides maintenance services for WordPress users.
Today, most of the cutting-edge agencies and companies are adopting WordPress. They generally have great WordPress implementations for their marketing and applications online. WordPress is mainly used by the companies who want to maximize their web presence and to make possible simple business solutions.
WordPress powers nearly 16.7% of the websites among the top one million websites. WordPress not only just acts as a blogging tool; it also plays a vital role as a most successful CMS across the world. Among the millions of top websites, around 58,000 websites that are powered by WordPress are not blogs. This means that, WordPress not only used to build blogs but also to build applications, platforms, online games, e-commerce websites, corporate websites, etc.
In the Internet world, WordPress has grown to become the most famous CMS since its inception. It powers more than 50 million websites with one lakh more popping up every day. When compared to Joomla and Drupal, WordPress acts as a stable CMS that provides an expedient interface for developing and managing websites.
As WordPress offers you the cloud-hosted service, you can able to create a free website online. This attracted about 330 million audiences who view 3.4 billion web pages per month. As per the record of W3Techs, nearly 55 percent of the one million most visited websites runs on CMS are also runs on WordPress.
As per the survey, 61% of WordPress users use WordPress just as a CMS and 31% users use WordPress as a blog and a CMS. And only 8% of WordPress users use this as just a blog. The report also says that around 2800 users use WordPress as just as their primary source of income.
How WordPress excels when compared to Joomla, Drupal and other CMSs?
The reasons why WordPress has become more successful as a CMS are as follows:
Why WordPress rules the World Wide Web?
WordPress has become more popular as it provides a huge library of plug-ins and themes. This makes people to build their own custom websites within a few minutes, hours at most. Moreover, WordPress doesn’t require developers to have programming knowledge. Therefore, WordPress is the tool that is extremely preferred by most developers to create websites.
WordPress also puts the power of defensive and active search optimization into the hands of normal people who do not have knowledge about SEO. So, WordPress is a typical blogger that provides opportunity that position well for competitive expressions as an expertise search marketer.
At present, WordPress is the only blogging tool and Content Management Systems (CMS) that facilitates everything easy when compared to other available tools. Hence, WordPress is ruling the entire web all over the world now. This may continue until the next ubiquitous platform has come into existence to make everything much easier than WordPress.